Dr. Lee Cohene & Sue Cohene are working via the telehealth medium using the Zoom and Microsoft Teams platforms. Clinical research has clearly demonstrated that the results obtained for assessment and therapy with telehealth are equally comparable to in-person services. Our personal experience over the past several years has further supported the finding that therapy outcomes are equally good with telehealth.
Clients can expect to be treated with the utmost of care and respect. We assess and treat each presenting problem through individual (adult, teen or child), couple, and/or family therapy. We use evidence-based psychology and counselling techniques that have been demonstrated to be clinically effective in clinical research.
Clients will meet with one of our clinicians to discuss the nature of their concerns. Once the specifics of the presenting problems have been considered, each client is offered recommendations of how best they might address these problems. Working collaboratively, strategies are devised with the client to provide opportunity for experimentation and practice between sessions. In this practical way, new skills and insights are developed and applied to real life situations.